Hello, I am an animator who hopes to one day be recognized, or even remembered as a Newgrounds legend.

Age 27, Female



Colorado, Morrison

Joined on 1/4/11

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40 / 50
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> 100,000
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1m 1d

InkBlotCreations's News

Posted by InkBlotCreations - January 16th, 2018



I am making a grand return to the newgrounds scene. After a long hiatus doing...I don't know, life stuff, I've come back to continue my old Ink Blots project. And in this grand animation series that had continued to sit and grow and flourish in my mind even after I left, I need your help! I require VAs and musicians who can both put some of the stranger sounding things to use!


Musicians, I want to hear you mix genres of music like you've never mixed before! I want to hear you combine orchestra with heavy metal, or synthesizers with mystical chimes! I want you to come to me with the absolute most UNIQUE music you can think of and make, because I want the music of this series to be as interesting as the concept!


Voice Actors, I need you to be able to make the voices of humans in 16th century Scotland and England. But, I ALSO need you to make voices that are bizarre -- some characters are not human, and I need those nonhuman things to sound musical. I don't mean a voice that sounds pleasant, I mean a voice that literally sounds like it was part musical instrument at one point. Accompany the voice's words with various sounds, or do something special and make the most bizarre and beautiful voice you can make! I want YOU to make this unique!


Now, I cannot pay anyone at this time, but now that I have some sporadic income I can pay you guys via paypal once in a while. It will still be a small amount of cash, depending on how many people get hired, but a minimum of 20 dollars is still something, right? And naturally, every last ouce of talent will be given its proper credit.


People, come to me with your PMs and I will answer them all. I will provide details on the story, characters and so-forth in those PMs. My email is also provided, anje.tulp@gmail.com, so I can talk to you even if I miss you on here.

Posted by InkBlotCreations - September 25th, 2016

It's late so I don't feel like being long-winded tonight.


I've finally realized I can CHANGE my username, and so I have. I am once again working on this account, and I am rebooting the "Ink Blot" project, hence the new name. You'll learn more later, maybe on a day when I'm not tired. I am a sleepy ex-Kittybat556.

Posted by InkBlotCreations - April 11th, 2015

Hey all. I've finally found a project to stick with, next to the ink blots, which is still very much in production. And as I was about almost half-done with this animation I've got planned, I got to thinking when I was looking for and adding sound effects...


"These sound effects sound like video game noises. It fits with the animation...but why don't we expand on this? Why don't I make an animation that is about a video-game universe?"


More quiet brainstorming (more like brainshowering, not much went on), and soon I had an idea! But first I'd like to ask my miniscule amount of fans of a few opinions. See if it's what people would actually want to see.



The idea goes like this: There is a universe where people "level up", "do quests", "get experience points" and so on and so forth. In this universe, there are few traces of the existing games we play today, but there may be parodies and references. So while you might be hoping for, say, a pokemon animation, I'm not going that way. I want it to by my own game universe. But despite the fact that it's a "game", the characters interact as though it's part of their daily life. There's probably going to be some confusing meta-terms, but I still think it would be fun. To help clarify the feel of the idea, here's a little script of a skit I wrote in like five minutes.


Hero Character: "Aw, cool! I found a coin in the grass!"

[Hero Character is standing near a huge pile of coins.]

Party Member 1: "God, how many people lose shiny objects in the grass these days? I swear, it's like they come out here just to dump their valuables out..."

Party Member 2: "I blame the tiny grass people! They're always stealing my socks!"

Party Member 1: "C'mon, what would 'tiny people' want with your socks?"

Party Member 2: "They could use them for sleeping bags!"

Party Member 1: "I don't think -anyone- wants to use a sock as a sleeping back. Especially if it's your socks."

[A tiny man dressed in leaf-armor runs by, carrying a sock.]

Party Member 2: "...Hah! Tiny grass people! Knew it!"



There you have it, folks. If this little skit was entertaining to you and seems like something I should animate in the future, say so in the comments! Peace!

Posted by InkBlotCreations - February 13th, 2015

I have begun to animate a whole story and way of life for a creature species I invented. And the best part is that I animated the first installation already! And it's up on NG as we speak!


The species in question is called an Ink Blot. Ink Blots are exactly what the name implies; A creature made of magically-animated ink. I will reveal more as I go along, but for now, enjoy this Ink Blot licking your screen:




Really proud of that animation peice! Well, I'm out, have a good day, my invisible followers!

Posted by InkBlotCreations - July 20th, 2014

Hey all, I'm back with another Elsword Log! Enjoy!


Day 2,12:37 PM


Not much went on after my first day. I guess the crime died down. Something’s wrong here. They say there’s always things to beat up around here…not to mention there were hoards of things to fight when I last wrote. Seems I’m not the only confused one, but I’m the only one who seems to care. To them it’s just some nice, pleasant break from all the chaos. But this fighting thing is all I got to do. What am I supposed to do for money if I can’t beat it out of those bandits? I suppose I could get a job, but right now, fighting seems to be the only skill I know of. Unless there is need of a mechanic, I don’t know what I’ll do…

…Maybe I’m worrying too much. I earned a lot in a day, I can surely keep affording the rent at the inn for now. But while money may be an issue, there’s also the issue of what to do today. I don’t really know what I…


…Those devices just spoke to me again. They said my name. Then they mentioned a word that certainly wasn’t in my vocabulary…and I have a pretty decent vocabulary. Something along the lines of “Shurex”. What could that even mean? These things are awfully vague.

Maybe for today I can investigate these little machines. See what purpose they serve, besides channeling my electrical power...

Posted by InkBlotCreations - July 6th, 2014

This is the last log of the day. I might make more tomorrow, I might not. But this is a boatload of fun for me to write, and I want to share it.




I know it’s a bit late to keep writing, but today’s just been so eventful! I suppose I shouldn’t expect it to be boring when you stick near a monster-filled forest. Those Phoru are interesting creatures. I wonder how intelligent they are when I’m not beating them into the dirt. These new powers of mine seem to come so easily, and yet there’s so much I can learn. So much I can do, and so much I can improve.

I beat a sort of “alpha” Phoru in the woods today, before I decided to spend the night in this inn. The beast was able to wield a sword! A type of thick rapier, of some sort. And how it could hold it in one paw with those stubby thumbs was a mystery! Nonetheless, I managed to knock it out of his hand quickly and severely destroy his arms and legs with a well-placed Pulse Bullet. Seems I can do a little more than just electrical currents. I have been studying myself and my enemies extensively today, and I feel I’ll be studying them plenty more in the future.


Well, even with the electrical abilities I possess, I need sleep like everyone else. I’ll be hiding this log under my pillow for safe keeping. This book appears to be my only friend, my only way of getting my thoughts out. If someone stole it, I don’t know what I’d do. I just can’t bear to lose these notes right now.

Posted by InkBlotCreations - July 6th, 2014

Here's another wonderful tale from the story of Deltagon, my Elsword character! Enjoy!


Three Hours Later


The gates have opened, and it seems I can at least take a look at myself and what my supposed items were. I seem to have snow white hair, which seemed to remind me of a faint memory, which disappeared as quickly as it came. It was nothing more than a flash in my mind that I couldn’t see. My eyes are pink. I must be albino. It would also explain my usually pale skin. My clothing…it was white like my hair, with lavender accents and small gold details. Some parts were black, as well. I really am no good at describing clothing type, I suppose…


Right after noticing myself in the reflection of a puddle, I noticed these…mechanical things, floating around me in a certain manner. I could control them…could move them, even attack with them through electrical currents…they almost spoke to me, and I seemed to know how...it had to be related to the electrical pulses in my brain. I figured that. And they told me one word..."Deltagon"...I guess that's my name...

I didn’t have much time to explore before a man in red dragged me into the bushes and told me to be quiet. A bandit of some sort, wearing a mask, quickly peeked in the bush and got a reaction of shock from the man in red. But I reacted differently.

When he reached for me, saying something about enslavement, I struck out of instinct. I fired an electrical current, powered by those floating technologies that followed me. Before long, the man had fallen and was twitching, and I landed the killing blow. It was all out of the combination of pure, raw instinct, and the feeling of greatness I felt from this electrical current flowing through me. It was satisfying to see the bandit on the ground, lying still as his heart stopped. I knew it was wrong, but I also knew he was trouble. I was conflicted, and the feeling of a kill seemed to satisfy me in ways that already scare me.


As of recently, I’ve been doing odd jobs that all relate to slaying things. Monsters for resources, more bandits, and eventually a bandit king of sorts. I must be used to it…the bandits are getting easier to kill, I don’t feel as much shame.



Bye again, hope you enjoyed it! Cya!

Posted by InkBlotCreations - July 6th, 2014

Hey all! I have recently acquired the game Elsword, and I decided to have some fun before it finally finished downloading. When I went to check it out on steam, it said I already owned a copy of it, so that was pretty strange. But I decided to play since it looked fun anyway and I seemed to have an uninstalled copy. It's probably the first game I'll maybe enjoy that doesn't even have players roleplaying in it. I have a few minutes to maybe a half hour until it is fully installed and I can start playing, and I decided to share something with you.


While I was waiting, I decided to start writing a "Log" of my experiences in the game. So far, obviously, there's only one log. And it clearly won't go far today. But I think you'd all like to read it, since I think it was a fun time killer. This story-in-the-making is about the feelings, experiences, and reactions of the character himself, not me. It was a fun idea at the time. Here's the first log, hope you like it. My time zone is Mountain Time, if you weren't sure what time it was in the logs.



First Day


1:30 PM



So far, I am waiting for entry. The world is just beyond those gates. Apparently, I have to wait a few hours to get in. I need to be registered and they have to get my stuff carried over from the last area. Honestly, I can’t remember what life was like before I got to this gate.  It’s like the excitement melted it all away. It’s as though life didn’t exist before I got to these gates. Like I was floating around in nothingness. And yet, I have items and gear to speak of. They not only had to register me, but they had to register my gear. It was to make sure I wasn’t carrying anything I shouldn’t have. Apparently illegal substances exist where I come from.


To sum up this log, I have amnesia and I’m waiting at the gates to be allowed entry. I can only imagine what lies beyond those huge doors, what those guards are making me wait for. As I stand on the chunk of land that floats above nothing, sitting before the large iron doors that separate me from the world, I can’t help but wonder what lies in store.



I hoped you all liked it, I will be continuing the Logs and making a story happe. Every time a new Log is completed, I will post it here for you guys to read. Peace out!

Posted by InkBlotCreations - January 28th, 2013


Behold, the link to my next animation. It is very simple, and very crappy. But I like how it turned out anyway. Mainly because for the first time I managed to get sounds into it. I got the sound FX from Findsounds.com, I believe. :) I worked a whole 1/4 of my day on this thirty seconds of film.

Posted by InkBlotCreations - January 22nd, 2013

I HAVE JUST RELEASED MY FIRST ANIMATION ON THE INTERNET!!! It's only a test, but it is indeed good if I do say so myself. In color, five seconds long and apparently enough work to keep me busy for half the night. Though most of that "work" was brainstorming on what to do. But even then, I'm very proud. No words can express how joyful I am about having put my first animation on youtube. Here is the link to the insignificant little video..which isn't insignificant to me, however!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKbRtLrJqz8&featu re=youtu.be